O Someday!

Someday, on the rise of a new morning
She will be crowned Queen.
What no one seeing her in her 'todays', ever saw coming,
Would soon be the most beautiful sight they've ever seen.

Someday, in this same tower his sweats and overtimes built,
Shall he chair the gathering of the finest of the Prime.
The boy whose dreams, even he, thought would soon wilt,
Is now the Man with the Gold - all he needed was time.

Someday soon, on these stages where he played and was played,
Where the ringmasters furnished their galleries with his arts.
These same shall be called the stages upon which his name stayed.
The Greatest Show - the Man who won over all the hearts!

There were many-a-day her markets fell and slumped.
She'd pull off one-a-penny's for stocks she even owed the lender.
Yet as her faith never wavered; and her spirits never dumped,
Someday now, with grit and dare, she's the planet's greatest vendor!

One of our greatest lessons known now,
Is how fleeting things and circumstances can be, without warning.
One day you're shattered on the rocks - you're basking in the sun the next.
Squatting under bridges today, drinking the finest wine on the RMS Titanic tomorrow.
The unpredictability of our Hustle!

Nothing's ever been much of a guarantee under this Sun,
Save Resilience, Grit and God.
For fate does indeed run courses,
Yet for those willing to go the distance, their fates they can shape!

So while you dream of your someday story,
Do not forget to also do the time - to do the work.
Holding in your hearts, these dreams that will never die;
Dreams worthy of your million scars, tears and The Years!

For Someday, Your Sun will surely rise again - and you will smile,
With your face to the rising sun that'll for never again set.
Someday, you shall be happy - you shall be called blessed.
Someday, on the dawning of a new day,
"The Son of the Charcoal seller shall also be adorned in a white dress."
O Someday! 

~ Chibele
