Never Lose You


“To the golden but broken. To the fair-hearted yet unfairly judged. To the ones hoping to fix their past but are touched by madness. To the ones who give all to do right yet are made to feel the breath of sadness; this is for you. Never lose yourself. Never stop being the good you are. You are not perfect, but you are certainly worth the life.”

For you, I found these words of a wise man to share:


An advice to you, my dear young one;

Love conquers all.

Do not pay evil for evil.

Do not have room for envy.

Do not treat people as bad as they treat you.

Treat them as good as you are. 

Wish people well and rejoice for their successes. 

However, being good does not mean you should not be principled. 

When some people play to lose you, let them win! Do not ignore the signs you may have asked God to show you! It is foolishness for David to remain in the house of Saul when the latter had shown malicious intentions than can cost him even his life. 

When God has His Hands on you, He will handle the people who set their devices against you.

You may go through some situations that may have broken your heart – but it surely opened your eyes. Take that win! 

Do not lose yourself by the negativity of the world – rather gain yourself by the positivity of your potential, those who believe in you and your God! 

So young one, do not stop being good.

Do not get recruited into hating other people’s haters! Do not waste your time on the so-called haters.



Enjoy the moments with those who love you and believe in you. 

And when people try to hurt you by always bringing up your past, remember it is like someone trying to rob you in your old house; you do not live there anymore. It is no more your stuff!  

In conclusion, this is maturity:

Love and do your best to help others the best way you can.

But be principled and wise in your love. Do not get blinded and unnecessarily soft.

Be firm yet agreeable.

The world is full of critics, be a person of encouragement.


Above all, talk to others and about others the way you would love them to talk to and about you.

Treat people right!

Always T H I N K about what you would say about people before doing so:

Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?


Let us love one another, treating one another right.

For our journey together here on Earth is rather a very short one.

There is no gain to expending life destroying a person.

Where and when you can, wherever possible, be kind!

You will find it is always possible!


~ Dr. Evans Duah




  1. When some people play to lose you, let them win! principled and wise in your love. Do not get blinded and unnecessarily soft.

    Wish I had known these truths many years ago... would have saved me a lot of unnecessary

    But I'm now well informed.

    Thank you


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