Pocheletto's Diamond

 In a little land beyond the prairie, on a dripping Sunday noon,

Young Pocheletto set out for a scary journey, blind.

For adventure and berth, in the vest, his 'nan had sewn.

To come home the fortnight aft with a treasure of some kind.

For Pocheletto had thought that by lots of shiny pearls' find,

His worth to Dia, the goddess of statutes, by the fair boys, will be better.

Ah! But worth, least he knew, by her was of heart and mind;

A truthful mind and a caring heart glittered brighter.

Gathered, gathered, gathered - went he across the travelers' canyon.

But as though the gems were all turned stone, there was no sparkle - 

save the tiny brass compass he held - his only companion.

The dying Sun, the heating Earth - summed up his loss - a dearth, a debacle.

Then came he to a musty old cave far concealed in the hill.

He was glad to have for his troubles - at least some rest and shade.

Content he was with this fate; but there was even better in this cave to make him shrill;

For further in this grotto sat what was a diamond arcade!

 Back to his countryside by the prairie, young Pocheletto then began to make way.

From afar, he could see the town folk in hush and haste, for the night settle.

"Each for himself so trod on!", they would often say.

For living was not as elementary as it was in the temple or castle.

Young Pocheletto would set off then to his mission complete -

to win by glamour and pearls, the honors of the people, and Dia.

His verve was unflinching, his purpose not discrete.

Confident he went; with treasures and full fiscal regalia.

But upon appearance at the town's gate, he would find a spectacle:

One of a child at its 'nan's breasts feeding as its last.

Another of a craftsman with plated hands tossing on and as fast.

Next, a pauper whom for want of a load to bear, scurry past.

The view was a regular - but today it seemed new to tackle.

The sight of silent needs. The prayers of silent want

that went all about him daily - mankind needing mankind.

Could his hand help? He sighed. Could he in a way or ten, another soul's wish grant?

Ah! The diamonds! He thought. Maybe giving a few will be kind.

So one by the other he'd give to the needy, one and then the other - 

to sell and provide - till there was but the least one remaining for keep.

"At least, this could still count for something by the order",

he heaved with a sigh - and then to the courts jeep.

But before, a man-of-wealth would approach him, treasure-seeking.

He offered to, by a thousand shillings his treasure match.

"Sorry my good Sir, none have I now", Pocheletto replied, voice breaking.

"You very much do", said the stranger. Sit with me to talk for this night's watch.

He would proceed:

"I have traveled from so far in a quest for treasure. I have found many in some places - 

in others I only found a few. I have battled, I have craved. Yet the more I had,

the more I wanted. My quest would bring me to this village, and I was told

of the 'diamond-hunter'. So I pursued you through

the canyons and caves - through to this gate. I sought to learn to gather

diamonds - but have rather learnt of sharing diamonds. With each one

person you gave to, you fortified, you enriched - you gave value!

Through this I found, your heart is one diamond I can seek but cannot in caves find.

It is a treasure I have to build for myself. For what makes a man

wealthy - is not what he has to keep, but what

he has to give".

Young Pocheletto had diamonds, yet the priciest of them all was his heart.

Dia, the goddess of statutes, wrote his name across the silent sky - 

Not perceptible, yet fulfilling.

He gave away weighty treasures,

but by that, he kept the best of them all -

His heart of kindness.

The biggest and best diamond.

~ Chibele


  1. And yet this writer, never "faileth"to wow us.
    The diction, the way it's all woven together to produce a magnificent piece with a powerful message embedded in it , is amazing.

    We look forward to more

  2. To more...🙏😌

    "The biggest and best of diamond- his heart of kindness."



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