

In the past, captains, sailors and voyagers would ply their ways across the uncharted, vast big blue; with nothing but the stars of the sky. Balls of gas burning billions of miles away, yet meaningfully always pointing them towards home.

By knowing each star, they knew where they were – and whenever dark clouds covered the skies, they cussed not the stars, nor themselves or even the clouds. For such were the faults with the stars. They bore such vain nights; safe in the knowledge that when all was said and done, these stars were and would always be there.

Some people are just light, glow, hope – human stars! They may not be as exciting as the course but they take us there. As they burn ceaselessly from afar, on most days, they are less as prominent as the larger lights; and sometimes on cloudy days, they wouldn’t be much of compasses, talk of reliable.

But this much Astrology and Nature makes me know, that the omnipresence of these flaming brilliance of radiance and beauty is ours to savour for all days. For by design, when all the lights go down, in the dire dearth, darkness, ills, emptiness and even death – these elements of grace will ascend to the echelons of the night and from there, they’ll shine brightest. Not as expectants of gloom, but as reminders that there are always lights to guide us home; or as is roared along the streets of Merseyside timelessly, that “we never walk alone”.



There are times, sometimes, when we’d have to give love some remembrance. And that moment when we stopped always looking out for the moon, we’d realize how these stars came out each night to see us – to shine for us without fail.

These stars, they are like echoes in the wind;
Faint yet audible.
Flawed but total.
Imperfect but excellent.
Broken yet still so perfect.
Tiny but they light up our universe!


They are like pauses in the choruses. Just as in the pauses there is no music, but the pauses help make the music – so are they sometimes. Not the flamboyance of all our happiness; but the foundations of our daily joys. Shining for us through cloud and sunshine.

And should you in that sky of stars, find that one star that burns in sync with all your ways, days and shades – then you, by far, are blessed.

"And if you are reading this, I pray you share the message with all your stars. Reflect on the love you’ve shared and remind them of your gratitude. May it not be too late before you start counting your Stars; for sometimes, little do we remember, that stars are burning away – and someday, on that morning, we would be seeing them no more."

Peace, Love and Light!




  1. Flawless piece...

    "...May it not be too late before you start counting your Stars; for sometimes, little do we remember, that stars are burning away – and someday, on that morning, we would be seeing them no more."

    Advice jotted down.😅


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